


created (LocalDateTime)
id (ID!)

The objects id

modified (LocalDateTime)
allActivityVersions ([ActivityVersion])

the plan version's all (subsequent) activitiy versions

Argument Type Description
filter ActivityVersionFilterInput
orderBy ActivityVersionOrder
checkedIn (LocalDateTime)

the plan version's checkin time

complete (Float!)

the plan version's complete

duration (Duration)

the plan version's duration

end (LocalDate)

the plan version's end date

followUpTime (Duration)
Deprecation notice

lead/follow-up time is about to change!

the plan version's follow up time

leadTime (Duration)
Deprecation notice

lead/follow-up time is about to change!

the plan version's lead time

mainTasks ([ActivityVersion])

the plan version's main tasks (top level activitiy versions)

Argument Type Description
filter ActivityVersionFilterInput
orderBy ActivityVersionOrder
rootActivityVersion (ActivityVersion)

the plan version's root activity version

start (LocalDate)

the plan version's start date

template (Boolean!)

whether this project plan version is a template or not

versionComment (MDString)

the plan version's version comment

versionName (String)

the plan version's version name

versionNumber (Int!)

the plan version's version number